In Outfit on
April 14, 2014


Never under estimate the power of simplicity.. In the last 3 weeks my world has dealt me a series of unexpected cards so to speak, and in a situation where some might momentarily panic (including my former self.. had the same situation occurred 3 years ago I most probably would have been an inconsolable wreck in the corner of the room) I have found the simplicity and clarity I have sought for so long, and I realise that the freedom and endless possiblities I have in front of me are the most powerful cards I could have ever been dealt. Heres to a new and fulfilling chapter.
Wearing | Bassike knit & skirt | Asos heels | Eska Alikai clutch
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  • Lucia T

    I have such hair envy!
    Lucia’s Loves

    April 14, 2014 at 8:36 pm Reply
  • Natalie

    Very strong, inspiring words x

    April 15, 2014 at 6:54 am Reply
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